Battle Tips: Choosing where to Fight

In the world of Drakensang-Online, you don’t usually get to choose where to fight but rather fight where your enemies find you.

The type of place you fight in however, offer its fair share of advantages and disadvantages and knowing these can be the difference between life and death for your character.

There are basically two types of battlefields you’re going to find yourself in: enclosed and open space.

Enclosed Spaces

These are spaces which, either because of man-made (fences, walls, etc.) or natural (rocks, trees, etc.) structures, forces your opponents into a bottle neck. Wikipedia defines a bottle neck as a term “taken from the 'assets are water' metaphor. As water is poured out of a bottle, the rate of outflow is limited by the width of the conduit of exit—that is, bottleneck’. Simply put, there’s not a whole lot of space to move.

Since space is limited and by positioning yourself in the right place, a bottle neck will force your opponents to come at you 1-2 at a time, giving you a better than average chance of overcoming a horde which would have otherwise overwhelmed you in other environments. This is very helpful when you’re faced with monsters that can inflict high levels of damage (such as dragons) since they can only attack you taking turns instead of all at once.

Since space is very limited you can very well get trapped with no means of escape. I normally employ this tactic when faced with 3-5 dragons. Beyond that I find that there is a better than average chance that I’m the one who’s going to be getting the short end of the stick.

Open Spaces

Open spaces are environments which don’t have a lot of hindrance for movement and you’re pretty much free to run (or dash) in whichever direction you might choose.

These kinds of spaces are ideal for hit and run tactics when battling multiple opponents. You can just pretty much do damage and run away before the enemy can retaliate then swoop back in and repeat as needed. The new skills for Dragon Knights (Iron Brow and Ground Breaker) coupled with the Paralyzing Onslaught are perfect for keeping 3-5 monsters stunned while you whittle away their hit points bit by bit.

If you’re not too careful however, it’s easy to get surrounded by enemies (especially in cases where you’ve taken on more than you can fight effectively). The thing to do in this kind of situation is try to get away, regroup, and resume your tactic before you get killed.

There are of course permutations to these two types of battle fields and how to use them to your advantage which I will discuss in a future article.

Where do you prefer to battle?

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