We KILLED Khalys!

Ysa and I haven't planned anything special for the day's incursion, actually.

We were both trying to level up and we figured we'd try Prison of Souls and Liar's Lair on the Difficult Level (as Gerry suggested) so we can gain more XP and level up faster. We got bored after touring the place about twice and I suggested we try out Khalys.

So, try her out we did.

As Gerry (in-game name: Komikero) found out (click here for his article detailing how he almost beat Khalys single-handed), Khalys is one tough cookie. She follows a pattern when attacking however and, once we figured that out, we stood a chance of beating her. Aside from that knowledge, we had the odds in our favor because Ysa's Level 35 Spellweaver can do long-range attacks while my Level 37 Dragon Knight likes to get up close and personal (perfect combination).

Here's how it all went down...

We found out early on that Khalys has the ability to teleport and will appear from any of the farthest point of the eight point start pattern depicted on the floor.

You have to be fast and get to her and do as much damage as you can while she's there. Make sure you have lots of health potions as she can inflict a high level of damage. Thankfully, there are regular drops of health balls all around the place but I wouldn't get too complacent just because they're there.

I was on point, being the tank, and took most of the damage to keep Khalys attention away from Ysa while she dealt out Lightning Strikes to devastating effect (she also called on her guardian periodically to distract Khalys away from me).

Khalys will only stay put for a certain time however before she teleports to the center of the star. While there she will regenerate her health (don't worry it's not going to be a full regeneration though it will certainly look that way at first) and unleash a maelstrom of energy. Before she has the chance to do this you must get to one of the circle of protection arranged around the star.

While within, you will not be affected by her devastating onslaught. If you don't make it to one of the circles in time, it's probably safe to say you'll be dead really quick. Once Khalys finishes her energy storm attack she'll head back to one of the points of the star for another round of attack using conventional means and the process I outlined is repeated.

The place is pretty big so it takes a bit of time to figure out where Khalys went once she teleports from the center (during which time you lose valuable seconds to deal damage to her before she returns to the center and she returns the favor). Ysa found a way to determine ahead of time where Khalys is going to be headed: she targets Khalys with her Lightning Strike just a split second before she disappears from the center and to one of the star's points. The lightning will strike exactly where she's headed giving us foreknowledge of where she's gone to.

It's going to take some time (a lot of time, actually) to take her down but it can be done.

Where Khalys met her end.

You just have to keep your focus, keep your timing tight, and you should be alright.

Commemorative shot at the center of Khalys' star.

And, just as a reminder, don't forget to finish your quest once you dispatch of Khalys (I almost went back to the Urban Area at the Werian Sanctuary after the battle without finishing the rest of my quest being overwhelmed with victory).

Had that happened and we returned, we probably would have found Khalys resurrected and we would have had to go through the whole thing all over again!


  1. With good team work we beat Khalys. Not to mention I died several times (lol)
    good thing my hit points were high enough to with stand her :)
    galing natin :D

  2. Woo hoo! What items did you get? Level 26 stuff ba and were they useful?

    1. The stuff I got wasn't particularly useful (though Ysa's stash might have been better). The axe, ring, and armor I got was a bit inferior to what I already had so I just sold them instead.

      Pero the experience was unbelievable. I was burning through energy (literally and figuratively) during the battle and was so hungry afterwards that my hands were literally shaking.

      We tried Forstclaw afterwards...and we died.

      Looks like more manpower is needed to defeat him since he summons those ice spirit things and a coordinated effort is key.


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