Dealing with Nefertaris

Nefertaris are probably some of the most challenging denizens in Drakensang-Online that you’ll have to battle with for two reasons:

1. They summon undead warriors to kill you
2. They try to avoid you when you’re trying to kill them

In my book, the only thing more annoying than a Nefertari summoning an undead warrior is a Nefertari summoning an undead archer. They can be found in dungeons (i.e., The Catacombs in Kingshill) and some regions (i.e., Slifmoor). Depending on their level (and yours, of course), they can dish out damage pretty fast not only because of the undead they summon but also because of the blasts they emit.

If you’re not carefully, you’ll find your hit points dwindling really fast.

In any battle situation involving Nefertaris, the first order of business is to take them out to prevent them from calling more undead warriors and overwhelming you or your party with sheer numbers.

There are three ways of doing this:

1. Driving them back to a wall
Since they tend to move away from you as you’re coming towards them, the idea is to back them up against a wall (or an immovable in-game object) and give ‘em hell once they have nowhere else to go.

2. Stunning then attacking them
For Dragon Knights, such as myself, I frequently utilize either the Paralyzing Onslaught or the Ground Breaker to stun a Nefertari trying to beat a hasty retreat. It is at this point that I dish out hell while they’re trying to recovering their wits.

3. Sandwiching them
In the event that you’re in an open space where the nearest wall is too far away, you can try trapping a Nefertari between 2-3 members of your party. This being said, this technique will only work with 1-2 Nefertari present.

What are your techniques for dealing with Nefertaris?


  1. I have this trick with the Nefertaris... and I count on them reviving skeleton archers and swordsmen. As I fight the skeletons (and as the Nefertaris revive those I kill), I build up rage. And when I'm full, I point the cursor at the Nefertaris (or sometimes a bunch of them would gather at one point), click on "Paralyzing Onslaught", which would launch me right in the middle of them, then unleash a Bloody Wild Swing or Smash. At lower levels, the Nefertaris fall like tenpins with just one wild swing. At higher levels it takes a bit of swinging and smashing as they're stunned to take them down. When they revive and start attacking I retreat and build up rage and regenerate health, and do it all over again.


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